Psychedelic Guidance & Integration Coaching

How can we help?

We provide confidential support and holistic guidance to anyone using psychedelics. We are not therapists and this is not therapy.

However, if you need:

  • Support and guidance with microdosing psychedelics

  • Support and guidance preparing for or integrating a psychedelic experience

  • Support and guidance navigating a spiritual emergency occasioned by psychedelics

  • Answers about whether psychedelics, medicine ceremony, or psychedelic therapy is right for you or your loved one

  • Answers about psychedelic science, law, traditional or shamanic use, clinics, retreats, therapists, guides, etc

  • Assistance vetting or choosing a psychedelic retreat, clinic, guide, therapist, shaman, substance…

Psychedelic Integration

Our approach to supporting and guiding you is rooted in our philosophy, and an understanding that healing and growth with psychedelics is a multidimensional process that ripples into our respective communities. Although psychedelic integration can be guided and facilitated, we know that the process is led first and foremost by you. We thus encourage self-responsibility and honour your sovereignty while sharing our wisdom rooted in our experience. We do not impose our personal beliefs and worldviews onto you, and instead, focus on facilitating your process of discovery, personal and spiritual growth, and healing through intentional inquiry.

Keep in mind, we are not therapists and this is not therapy.

Sessions are charged on a sliding scale for a minimum of $60/hr.

Get in touch below.

  • When I first met Louis, his openness and confident vulnerability drew me in. After doing breathwork with him, I saw that guiding others was his true calling. This made me trust him completely for my psychedelic journey. Louis’s peaceful demeanor was calming, and I felt a deep sense of safety with him. As an experienced explorer, I wanted Louis to help deepen my experience in an integrative way. Our conversations during and after my journey have lightened my path, reducing shame and revealing a core value of compassion. His knowledge of Buddhism has deepened my spiritual practice, teaching me gentleness towards myself. I am deeply grateful to Louis for his guidance.

    Chris - Father

  • Louis helped me through a spiritual crisis caused by psychedelics. Lou's support and guidance towards integration of the experience was very practical and effective in helping me come back to myself.

    Michael - Software Developer

  • Working with the Psygaia team was awesome. Louis brings a very natural and grounded approach to psychedelics. Not overly woowoo or overly scientific and dry. Rooted in nature and respect for the medicines. Exactly the type of guidance I was looking for!

    Tara - Highschool Teacher

  • Louis naturally breathes and embodies a presence of deep peace. The breathwork sessions we did together were life changing. A combination of a crystal clear intuition and skillful guidance made me feel safe and held, allowing for a frozen part of me, stuck and hidden in time to open and melt with great lightness and ease. Highly recommended.

    Yost - Dance Teacher

Get in touch.

Please fill out this form to get started.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

— Mahatma Gandhi


Louis Belleau Headshot

Louis Belleau

Louis discovered the spiritual, therapeutic and transformative potential of psychedelics when he was 17, which led him to study Zen Buddhism, yogic philosophy, and indigenous nature-based traditions, and graduate from McGill University with majors in Psychology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion. Motivated and guided by his belief that psychedelic experience is a basic human right with important biological functions for the human organism and the planet, Louis seeks to democratize informed and responsible access to psychedelics through interdisciplinary research, reciprocal community, and holistic education and support services. Louis is the founder of Psygaia, contributed to the early development of Nectara’s integration program and is currently studying psychedelics from an interdisciplinary perspective at the University of Ottawa with the aim of pursuing a Master’s degree in Psychedelics & Consciousness Studies while completing his Psygaia hypothesis. As a trained and certified yoga and breathwork teacher, Louis currently teaches yoga, mindfulness meditation and conscious connected breathwork privately, at retreats, at the Paradise Valley Healing Centre, the Conscious Minds Clinic, and the Cedar Rock Centre in BC, Canada. In his free time, Louis loves backcountry skiing, trail running, writing, gardening, teaching, designing and learning ethnobotany.

Louis Belleau Headshot

Vanathy Paranthaman

Vanathy works as a Registered Nurse and somatic therapist with a focus on holistic health and wellness. Vanathy has professional training and expertise with various plant and psychedelic medicines, including extensive experience working with ketamine to treat various mental health conditions. Vanathy combines holistic healing practices with trauma-informed modalities in supporting people to shine light on the shadow aspects of their psyches. She is a strong believer that our ability to look at our shadows plays a vital role in our ability to create lives with deep, fulfilling connections to ourselves and others. Motivated by her desire to understand the human psyche, Vanathy obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Psychology from Windsor University and continued her academic achievements at York University and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Currently, Vanathy is a Registered Nurse with the British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP). Vanathy has furthered her education in different therapeutic modalities over the years, including Breathwave, Yoga, Internal Family Systems, Compassionate Inquiry (Dr. Gabor Mate), Psychedelic Lead Psychotherapy (TheraPsil) and the Gottman Method Couples therapy. Vanathy is currently developing a clinic in Vancouver, Canada.

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

— Margaret J. Wheatley

Make a donation today.

Your support contributes to the democratization of safe and effective use of psychedelics.

Financial support contributes to furthering our mission of providing accessible psychedelic education.
