The content provided on this website and any of Psygaia's affiliated platforms is for educational purposes only and is not intended to promote or endorse the use of illegal substances. While acknowledging the global use of psychedelics, the information presented is aimed at encouraging safe, responsible, and informed engagement with these substances, should individuals choose to do so, in accordance with local laws.
Risk Acknowledgement
Psychedelics carry inherent risks. The use of these substances may lead to profoundly uncomfortable, distressing, confusing, painful, or psychologically destabilizing experiences. The effects of psychedelics are unpredictable and may result in long-lasting changes to personality, cognition, or mental health. Furthermore, individuals with undiagnosed genetic, developmental, neurological, endocrinological, or trauma-related conditions may have adverse reactions to psychedelic substances.
No Professional Advice
Psygaia does not offer medical, psychological, or psychiatric services. The information and services provided by Psygaia do not constitute professional mental health or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users of this website should not disregard or delay seeking professional medical or psychological advice based on any information or content provided by Psygaia. Always consult with a licensed medical professional or therapist before engaging in any activity related to psychedelics.
Medical Conditions
Individuals with certain conditions, including but not limited to major depressive disorder, substance addiction, anxiety, eating disorders, or terminal illness, should not use psychedelics unless under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Psychedelics may exacerbate these conditions and lead to dangerous outcomes if not properly monitored.
No Endorsement of Illegal Activity
Psygaia does not advocate or encourage the use of substances in jurisdictions where their use is illegal. Users of this website are responsible for complying with the laws and regulations of their local jurisdiction regarding the use of psychedelics or other controlled substances.
Proceed With Caution
Engaging with psychedelics requires caution, proper preparation, and awareness of potential risks. Psychedelic experiences can have a significant impact on your health, life, and the well-being of others. We strongly advise proceeding with prudence and care, and seeking professional support when necessary.
By using this website, you acknowledge that Psygaia is not liable for any risks, injuries, or damages that may arise from the use of psychedelics, and that you are solely responsible for your own choices and actions.

Remember, whatever scary entities or things you encounter during your psychedelic experience, are not there to torment, but to teach, face them and learn what you must.
— William Richards
Thank you for taking the time to review and understand the information on this page.

Beware of unearned wisdom.
— Carl Jung