How to Prepare for Psychedelic Experiences
How you prepare for a psychedelic experience will determine its outcome. Safe and effective journeys require preparation.
Preparation is key to ensuring a safe and transformative psychedelic experience. It begins with building support systems that guide you through every stage of the journey. Holistic preparation involves attending to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational aspects of the self to create the right foundation. Setting a clear intention and cultivating a mindful meditation practice will help navigate the experience. Preparing the set and setting ensures the environment is supportive, while understanding substance and dosage is critical for safety. Whether working with a facilitator or solo, preparation will make the experience more meaningful and beneficial.

The winds of grace are always blowing but you need to raise the sail.
— Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Support Systems
Support systems are vital for creating a safe and intentional foundation before embarking on a psychedelic journey. They help you prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically, ensuring you’re grounded and ready for the experience ahead.
A well-developed support system can include professional guidance, such as a therapist or shaman, or personal practices like meditation, breathwork, or journaling. These systems are designed to help you establish the right mindset, set intentions, and feel supported throughout your preparation.
While not everyone has access to professional or community-based support, personal practices like meditation and journaling are effective and accessible ways to cultivate the emotional and psychological readiness needed for a meaningful experience.
Support systems provide the structure to ensure a safe, guided, and effective preparation process, leading to a more intentional journey, healing and growth.
If you’re unsure where to start, consider seeking guidance from our team, or join our integration community for continued support from guides and community.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes
Holistic Preparation
A psychedelic journey can be one of the most profound experiences of your life. To fully honour such an experience, it’s essential to prepare yourself holistically, thus addressing the interwoven and dynamic physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational aspects of yourself in your preparation process. Holistic preparation is a crucial part of ensuring the journey is safe, meaningful, and transformative.
Physical Preparation
A psychedelic experience can be physically demanding and requires energy. Fatigue or poor physical health may impact your ability to stay present during the journey. To honor both the experience and yourself, it's important to arrive at the psychedelic experience as physically healthy as possible.
Suggestions for physical preparation:
Avoid substances: Refrain from alcohol, cannabis, and other substances in the weeks before your journey.
Eat healthily and hydrate: Focus on a whole-food diet and stay hydrated in the days leading up to the experience.
Time the journey well: Plan to start your journey before noon to avoid a sleepless night.
Fast before dosing: Avoid eating 3 hours before dosing to prevent indigestion and to allow the full effects of the psychedelic to take hold.
Mental Preparation
The word psychedelic means “mind manifesting,” making mental preparation critical. Your mindset leading up to the journey will shape the experience, so paying attention to what you mentally consume beforehand is essential.
Suggestions for mental preparation:
Explore other practices: If you’re new to altered states of consciousness, consider trying breathwork or meditation beforehand to get a sense of expansion.
Avoid negative media: Refrain from consuming news or media that may be unsettling, violent, or stressful.
Limit social media: Reduce or eliminate social media and news consumption in the days before the journey.
Practice mindfulness: Meditation in the weeks or months before your journey can help cultivate focus, awareness and calmness. Ideally a consistent and lifelong meditation practice will support your evolving relationship to psychedelics and your path towards wholeness.
Reflect on your intention: Spend time contemplating your intention for the journey in the days and weeks leading up to it.
Emotional Preparation
Preparing emotionally for a psychedelic journey is just as important as physical, mental, and spiritual preparation. Psychedelics often bring deeply buried emotions to the surface, which can feel overwhelming if not properly prepared. Being emotionally grounded before the experience can help you navigate these emotions with greater ease and acceptance.
Suggestions for emotional preparation:
Acknowledge your emotional state: Take time to assess and understand your current emotional landscape. Are there unresolved emotions, anxieties, or feelings you need to address? Journaling can be a helpful way to explore and process your emotions before the journey.
Create emotional safety: Surround yourself with people, environments, and practices that make you feel safe, supported, and secure. Whether through trusted friends, a guide, or your own practices, having an emotional safety net is crucial.
Practice self-compassion: Be gentle with yourself leading up to the experience. Understand that any emotions that surface during the journey are part of your healing process, and approach them with kindness rather than judgment.
Let go of control: The emotional aspect of a psychedelic journey can be unpredictable. Preparing emotionally involves accepting that not all feelings can be controlled. Surrendering to the flow of the experience, with curiosity and trust, can help you navigate challenging emotions as they arise.
Consider professional support: If you have unresolved trauma or emotional challenges, seeking the support of a therapist or guide prior to the journey can provide a helpful foundation. Emotional healing is a major part of many psychedelic experiences, and being well-supported beforehand can help with integration later.
Spiritual Preparation
Psychedelic experiences often have a profound spiritual component. If you have an existing spiritual practice or religious belief, it’s important to stay aligned with it as you prepare for the experience.
Suggestions for spiritual preparation:
Practice your spirituality: Engage in your regular spiritual practices, whether that’s prayer, meditation, or contemplation, leading up to the journey.
Deepen your connection: Deepen your connection to nature by spending more time in natural environments. If you have a relationship with a higher power, spend time exploring that connection.
Read sacred texts: Reflect on your favourite spiritual texts and explore their deeper meaning in the weeks leading up to your journey.
Serve others: Participate in acts of service or volunteer work to ground yourself in compassion and humility before your journey.
Relational Preparation
The relationships in your life play an important role in your overall well-being and can significantly impact your psychedelic experience. Preparing relationally means ensuring you are in a balanced and open state with the people around you, creating harmony and support both before and after the journey.
Suggestions for relational preparation:
Communicate openly: Have honest conversations with close friends, family, or loved ones about your upcoming journey. Let them know what you are planning, why it is important to you, and how they can support you. This may help alleviate any concerns and foster a supportive environment.
Set boundaries: Clearly define any boundaries you need in your relationships leading up to the experience. This might include limiting certain social interactions, managing expectations, or asking for space during your preparation. Ensuring your boundaries are respected will help create a sense of emotional safety.
Resolve conflicts: If there are unresolved tensions or conflicts in your relationships, consider addressing them prior to your journey. Unresolved relational stress can weigh heavily on your mental and emotional state and may come up during the psychedelic experience. Working through these issues beforehand can help create a clearer, more peaceful mindset.
Cultivate supportive connections: Surround yourself with people who support your journey and personal growth. These are the people who will help you feel grounded and cared for, both during the preparation phase and afterward, as you integrate your insights into daily life.
Post-journey support: Plan for how you will seek support from your relationships after the experience. Whether through a close friend, therapist, or community, sharing your insights with trusted people can help you process and integrate the experience more fully.
How you prepare yourself for a psychedelic experience has a significant impact on the journey’s transformative potential. By preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you create the conditions for a safe and meaningful experience that can lead to personal growth, spiritual awakening and healing.

Meditation is not a means to an end, it is both the means and the end.
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
A meditation practice is vital to safe and effective psychedelic experiences. For many, meditation is also an essential part of integration, healing and growth.
A meditation practice will help you cultivate concentration, mindfulness and equanimity, important qualities to safely and effectively navigate psychedelic journeys and life.
Developing skill in meditation is a lifelong process, yet the fruits of dedication to meditation are abundant. Initially, you may prefer guided meditations. However eventually, you may find that silence is ideal. There are various approaches to meditation, but the most relevant to preparing the mind for psychedelics are mindfulness and insight meditation, also known as Vipassana meditation.
Developing concentration, mindfulness and equanimity will help in all aspects of life, but especially when working through challenging psychedelic experiences. Concentration will enhance your ability to stay focused, mindfulness will improve your cognitive and somatic awareness, and equanimity will allow you to remain calm and grounded.
Meditation will also benefit your mindset by helping you cultivate positive attributes.
Learn more about meditation and psychedelic exploration here.
The Sky of Mind Metaphor
Using psychedelics is like putting on a jet pack, while meditation is like piloting a hot air balloon. Jet packs propel with great force, while hot air balloons float up gently. Putting on a jet pack with limited fuel will send you very high into the sky, meaning psychedelics will expand your mind very significantly, very quickly. A hot air balloon will float up into the sky very slowly, meaning meditation will expand your mind (and develop positive qualities) very gently over a lifetime of practice.
Jet packs also have limited fuel capacity, meaning psychedelics will require coming back down to integrate the powerful psychedelic jet pack experience.
Moreover, the psychedelic jet pack is difficult to control. Jet packs propel with little control over direction. Hot air balloons float, with slow but steady command over direction. By familiarizing yourself with your mind slowly and steadily with meditation, you are preparing yourself for powerful jet pack propulsion.
Jet packs provide expanded vantage points for short durations, which can be thrilling, and also dangerous if approached irresponsibly. It’s valuable to learn to pilot a hot air balloon to build a more sustainable and wholesome relationship with, and understanding of, the sky of the mind.
Meditation is a widely accessible practice and very effective support system for psychedelic journeys. If you are taking psychedelics, it is important that you meditate.
The development of concentration, mindfulness and equanimity through a regular meditation practice will contribute to safe and effective journeys while supporting the integration of the material that surfaces during your journeys.
Book a call with a meditation teacher on our team to learn more about meditation or get guidance and support in developing a strong meditation practice.

The substance does not produce the transcendent experience. It merely acts as a chemical key - it opens the mind, frees the nervous system of its ordinary patterns and structures. The nature of the experience depends almost entirely on set and setting.
— Timothy Leary
Your intention is the foundation from which your journey will unfold.
An intention will guide your experience by preparing your mindset and grounding you in a sincere understanding of your motivation for the journey. Knowing your intention before your experience will cultivate the right mindset and contribute to a fruitful experience. A genuine intention is like a compass to help navigate the experience.
An intention is not an expectation. It is awareness of one’s motivation.
Don’t be rigid with your intention or hold onto it too tightly. During a psychedelic journey, you may surrender your intention until remembering it is helpful.
Your intention will guide you. By knowing your innate and sincere intention for having a psychedelic experience, you are effectively preparing your mental set in a way that can help you navigate and integrate your journey.
Once a genuine intention is identified, you may specify and define your intention further through contemplation practices, such as journaling and meditation.
What matters most is that you are honest with yourself and sincere about the reason or reasons for choosing to have a psychedelic experience. Know and understand your intention, because your intention is your compass.
How to Prepare Intention
To become conscious of your intention, ask yourself why you are taking psychedelics
Intentions are personal and sincere. A sincere intention will be rooted in openness and understanding, and ideally will take the form of a single word, statement, or question.
An intention can be prepared through contemplation, which includes the integration practices of journaling and meditation. Contemplating an intention before a psychedelic experience will impact the direction of the journey. As you honestly investigate why you are using psychedelics and reflect upon those reasons, consciousness will register and be influenced accordingly.
An intention isn’t just a verbal thought, it is also a feeling. Try tuning into your body through a body scan meditation, exercise or yoga. Ask your body for answers.
If you’ve written a page or paragraph about your intention, try distilling it down. First, identify a one sentence statement of your intention, and then identify the theme or essence in no more than one or two words. This is your intention.
Contemplate your intention for days, weeks, or months before your journey by implementing it into your life. Generally, the more conscious you are of your intention, the greater the potential for the intention to influence your journey.
By being conscious of your intention in advance, and practicing that intention in day to day life, your intention may be more wholly known in mind, body and spirit.
It is most effective to write and journal through one’s process of contemplation in order to most effectively explore and register personal and honest intentions.
Questions and statements to explore when cultivating intentions:
Why am I taking psychedelics?
What do I want from this journey?
Where am I going with this journey?
What am I doing with psychedelics?
Why do I want to take psychedelics?
What is the best possible outcome of taking psychedelics?
What is my current relationship with the upcoming journey? How do I feel emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually towards the journey?
What are my biggest fears, biggest excitements about this journey?
What do I need to connect with and / or let go of in my life at this time?
What do I want to release from my life? Explore the phrase: I am releasing…
What do I want to call into my life? Explore the phrase: I am calling in…
A genuine intention is not always consciously chosen. You may feel called to explore psychedelics without knowing why. In this case, your aim is to seek clarity.
For example, a curious person may want to take psychedelics for the sake of exploration and discovery. In that case, their intention is to discover or explore. Another person, seeking healing from past trauma, may feel pulled towards psychedelics for healing. Here, their intention can be to heal or find freedom.
Remember the power of words when phrasing your intentions. Words are data for how we feel about particular things. Words are how we order information about how we feel. Words make your world, so choose them carefully.
An intention can be prepared more fully through a personally or spiritually meaningful ritual or ceremony, akin to traditional use of psychedelics.
Intention Considerations
Be certain that no person or media coerced you into using psychedelics. You are completely self selected and personally determined to use psychedelics.
Explore your intention in writing. It is useful to write what you hope to learn, experience, understand, or resolve. Use journaling as an opportunity for focused inquiry into specific psychological, social, philosophical and spiritual concerns. Remain open to everything you uncover. Be curious.
Practice embodying your intention in daily life, days, weeks or months before the psychedelic experience. You practice your intention by contemplating it, and behaving in ways that are harmonious with, or aligned with the intention.
Whatever intention you find, do not hold strongly to an expectation for the content of the experience, as you do not decide what the journey will be like. However, you can direct the journey with a strong and conscious intention that is cultivated for weeks or months before the journey.
If using psychedelics with the intention to heal and grow, know that this intention may eventually lead facing difficulty, which is often unpleasant. Uncovering and learning to integrate and embrace one’s shadow is challenging but also very rewarding personal-spiritual work.
Once identified, your innate intention can be used to further define a more specifically chosen intention. For example, if you find out that your seek to use psychedelics for healing unresolved trauma, you may specify that intention by identifying and defining the trauma you seek to heal.
Think of the exploration of intentions as the beginning of a dialogue you are initiating with a part of your self: your innate healing intelligence.
Have no more than three intentions per psychedelic experience.
Intention Examples
Connecting to nature
I seek to rediscover my interconnection with the planet earth and cosmos.
I want a more intimate and meaningful relationship to the universe and all life.
How is nature sacred?
Behavioural analysis and personal transformation
What are the causes of my depression or anxiety?
I want to uncover the source of my addictive habits.
Why do I have such low self-esteem?
What are the causes of my laziness or drinking habits?
How can I overcome this destructive pattern of behaviour?
Exploring and working with past trauma
I seek to understand and release my past trauma.
Spiritual discovery
I am welcoming a clearer understanding of spirit.
I am welcoming God into my life.
Cultivating virtues of consciousness.
I am releasing resentment and anger.
I am calling in compassion for my family.
Developing more holistic perspectives of reality.
I am welcoming a clearer understand of my existence.
I am exploring expanded states of consciousness.
Improving interpersonal relationships.
How can I be a better partner to my significant other?
I seek to treat my friends and family with more compassion.
I seek to understand my spouse / friend / parent better.
Deepening a romantic or familial bond.
How can I be more loving?
I am welcoming more love into my life.
Deepening a friendship.
Investigating difficulty at work.
What’s holding me back at work?
How can I do my job better?
I am calling in professional inspiration.
Finding creative inspiration.
What’s holding me back in my art?
I am welcoming creative inspiration.
How can I create art that aligns with me more deeply?
Know your intention for your journey, but don’t hold on to it very tightly over the course of the psychedelic experience. Be ready to let it go.

Whether drugs lead to illumination or degradation depends on the spirit in which one takes them.
— George Andrews
Set & Setting
Your set and setting will have a powerful effect on your experiences.
Your set includes your intention, attitude, personality and mood, while the setting is the physical, social, cultural, political, economic and interpersonal environment in which the psychedelic is taken.
The setting will influence the set. Changing environments can elicit substantial and helpful changes to mental set when facing difficulty.
Set and setting will contribute meaningfully to all experiences and at any dose. The effects of a psychedelic will increase sensitivity to all stimuli — internal and external. As a result, you will be highly vulnerable and suggestible to your mental set and environmental setting. Setting is essential in ensuring a safe, supportive and comfortable environment in which you may process pleasant or unpleasant psychological material as openly and safely as possible, while the set ensures that you are psychologically prepared and suited for using psychedelics.
Studies investigating the therapeutic potential of psychedelics note the importance of a quiet, safe, comfortably lit environment, with access to a washroom, music, and art supplies as an appropriate setting for healing. These studies also prepare the journeyer through an extended process of mental set preparation via discussion and education about the effects of psychedelics.
Preparing one’s set and setting includes understanding if you are suitable for psychedelic experience. Please review the psychedelic safety assessment before embarking on a psychedelic journey.
Your health and safety is a top priority.
Set, internal set, or mindset, is the internal environment of the journeyer. Set includes intention, attitudes, personality, moods and more. Whatever makes you the individual you are will influence your psychedelic experience. Religious, cultural, social and political upbringing, conceptions and opinions about the world, and life experiences will all play a significant role in the nature of the experience.
Do not underestimate the reach of your internal set. Remember, your internal set is affected by the external setting in which you have the experience, including the complete context in which you were raised and currently exist.
How to Prepare a Set
For healing and growth, therapeutic protocols involve meeting with a therapist or guide a few times before the actual use of any psychedelics. These therapy sessions are a means to prepare the journeyer’s mental set through information about the effects of psychedelics and open communication about the personal issues and psychological difficulties the journeyer may work with. All the information on this website will also contribute to preparing your mindset by helping you develop a holistic and accurate understanding of psychedelics. A set can also be prepared through meaningful ritual or ceremony.
A mental set does not have to be perfect. After all, psychedelics have been and continue to be used as medicine by millions of people. As long as you are not in an extremely negative or unstable mental state, you may consider proceeding with the psychedelic experience in a safe and careful manner.
Cultivate Good Attitude
The best attitudes to foster when using psychedelics are openness, curiosity, surrender and courage. Focus on developing these attitudes through intentional behaviours. Let go of any expectations for your psychedelic experience, as the fewer you have, the happier and less anxious you’ll be.
You can increase your understanding of the dynamics of consciousness and ability for self-control via regular meditation practice. You may also deepen your self-awareness through regular journalling. Finally, you may contribute to personal and collective wellbeing by cultivating virtues of character and healthy habits, such as exercising, eating well, sleeping well, spending time surrounded by nature, taking care of loved ones, volunteering, and partaking in other benevolent acts.
Accept Discomfort
Discomfort during the psychedelic experience is common for many journeyers. Trust that whatever physical or psychological effects you encounter are natural, they are part of your innate healing intelligence. Remember that there is nothing to fear, you are safe, and all will pass. Welcome every sensation with curiosity. Accept and fully surrender to whatever arises. To surrender will often instantly transforms the experience from a challenging one into a more pleasant one.
Accept Not Knowing
Wisdom comes from realising that one does not know much, if anything at all. Holding onto ideas, philosophies, or ideologies will only lead to resistance and difficulty. When you catch yourself struggling or resisting, remember to relax, surrender, and let go. The more you surrender, the more you make space for your innate healing intelligence to work effectively. You are on this journey to explore, learn, heal and grow, so stay open to the flow of consciousness.
Accept Emotions
During a psychedelic journey, you may encounter hidden aspects of your self, such as strength, vulnerability and compassion. You may come across painful thoughts, feelings, and impulses that you don’t usually allow yourself to feel, such as shame, guilt, grief, anger, restlessness, frustration, and suicidal ideation. In order become whole, you must be conscious of the whole by learning to remain open to every aspect of your self, and by expanding the range of emotions you allow yourself to feel. You cannot hide any parts of yourself. Be honest. Be whole.
Emotions may be expressed or released in many ways: yelling, cursing, crying, wailing, laughing, dancing, singing, speaking, writing, making sounds, rolling on the ground, praying, shaking, trembling, punching a pillow, or vomiting. At certain points, you may feel like you have lost partial or full control of your body’s movements. It’s usually wise to let your body do what it must by trusting in your inner healing intelligence, no matter how weird or scary it may seem.
Recognize & Embrace Fears
Fearing the unknown is natural. A comfort zone feels familiar and reliable, whereas anything outside the comfort zone can feel overwhelming. During the psychedelic experience, the fear of losing self-control is common, especially among novice journeyers. Those who are willing to surrender and who do not fear are better prepared to tolerate psychedelic experiences. Remember to grow with the flow.
Facing difficulty is natural and a invaluable part of psychedelic use. Difficult sensations and emotions are common. It’s important to release the desire to control, and surrender to whatever shows up. Remember that you are safe, and breathe.
When you accept life as it is, energy flows and struggles dissipate.
As you move beyond your familiar sense of self, you may encounter a sense of emptiness or nothingness. Letting go and surrendering into this feeling may be scary and may feel like dying. Face this feeling by surrendering to it, allow consciousness to do the work it must, it is by facing these unpleasant feelings with openness, curiosity and courage that we can heal and grow.
Mental Set Considerations
A good conscience is the best preparation you can have for your set. So practice being open, curious, surrendering, compassionate and courageous, while cultivating patience, stillness, and equanimity towards all that happens. Intentionally cultivate positive attributes, such as gratitude, humility, optimism, courage, honesty, curiosity, playfulness, generosity, awareness and calm.
Intentionally cultivate awareness of your innate healing intelligence.
Be completely honest with yourself. Whether you are conscious of it or not, consciousness knows when you are lying to yourself. Be honest. Be whole.
Support systems contribute to the meaningful preparation of a set.
Commit to developing a regular meditation practice. Aim to practice meditation daily before and after the psychedelic experience.
Commit to developing a regular journalling practice. A day or two before the inner journey, write a brief autobiography and explore your desires, goals, expectations, and fears regarding the upcoming journey.
Design a personally or spiritually meaningful ritual or ceremony for your upcoming psychedelic journey.
Be in good health: properly nourished, hydrated, exercised, rested and at peace. Consider doing a “detox” days or weeks before the experience.
Spend more time in nature.
Sleep well. Go to bed a regular times.
Disconnect from screens and the internet.
Avoid violent or exploitative forms of entertainment.
Avoid alcohol, nicotine, processed sugar and caffeine.
Eat whole and organic foods such as vegetable, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Consider fasting for 12 or more hours before ingesting the psychedelic.
Be free from any negative feelings or thoughts towards anything around you and anyone accompanying you during the psychedelic experience.
Be free from overbearing stress, anxiety or paranoia before the experience.
Spend one, two, three or more days in contemplative retreat, in nature and away from the city bustle before and after the psychedelic experience.
Restrict access to the internet, world news updates, and social media at least 24 hours before and after the psychedelic experience, and more if possible.
Setting, external space, or environment, is the physical, social, cultural and interpersonal setting or environment in which the journeyer is using psychedelics. You want to be in a setting where you feel supported, safe, comfortable and relatively content.
The setting includes the physical environment: temperature, weather, lighting, time of day, surrounding decorations and cleanliness; the interpersonal environment: people surrounding you; and sociocultural environment: predominant culture and political views, and current socioeconomic conditions.
The setting in which the psychedelic is taken must be safe, controlled, supportive, and comfortable, as the journeyer’s body and mind will be extremely vulnerable. Psychedelics may also occasion highly emotional reactions, which require an appropriate environment for free expression.
How to Prepare a Setting
Preparing the right setting is crucial for ensuring a safe and supportive environment for your psychedelic experience. Ideally, the setting should be calm, controlled, comfortable, and free from distractions that could trigger negative or unexpected reactions. Being surrounded by nature enhances the experience.
For therapeutic purposes, a well-prepared room should have a couch or bed for the journeyer to lie down on with eye shades, a chair for the facilitator, and access to essentials like a washroom, water, and temperature control. Additional tools such as a pen and paper, a voice recorder, and a carefully curated playlist—featuring mostly music without lyrics—can deepen the experience.
Familiar indoor spaces like your bedroom or living room can create a more introspective mindset, offering safety and protection from unpredictable elements such as people, weather, or noise. On the other hand, a safe outdoor environment can help you reconnect with nature, an important source of healing and growth. The heightened sensitivity experienced during psychedelics often leads to a profound rediscovery of nature’s sacred essence.
A combination of indoor and outdoor settings, such as a secluded cabin near a forest, beach, or desert, provides the best of both worlds. This allows access to controlled, comfortable indoor spaces, with the added benefits of being in nature. In any setting, make sure to plan for privacy, access to a toilet or natural area, and avoid potential stressors like strangers or getting lost. Consider your emotional needs—while a cozy indoor space may offer comfort in a fragile state, an outdoor area might be better for externalizing emotions.
Avoid environments that are stressful, fearful, noisy, or unclean, as they can lead to unpleasant experiences. A warm, quiet, and secure space is far more conducive to a positive, relaxing, and meaningful psychedelic journey. Ensuring an ideal setting is vital, as an inappropriate environment is a leading cause of harm during psychedelic experiences.
Setting Considerations
Plan the details: Decide the when, where, how, and who you’ll be with for your psychedelic experience to minimize surprises and ensure safety.
Stay in one place: Choose a single location to avoid unexpected events and disruptions.
Free from responsibilities: Ensure you have no obligations for the day of the experience and the day after. This includes work, chores, and activities that require focus or attention, such as driving or operating machinery.
Ensure privacy and no interruptions: Complete privacy is essential. Avoid anyone who might intrude on the experience, including family members, friends, neighbours, or service providers. Privacy allows for deeper introspection without external distractions.
Quiet, comfortable space: Choose a quiet environment with minimal stimuli. A comfortable couch, pillows, and blankets will allow the journeyer to rest, recline, or sit. A chair for the facilitator to sit during the session is also recommended.
Private space for companions: If journeying with others, make sure private spaces are available in case anyone wants to spend time alone, which is common during psychedelic experiences.
Sober and trustworthy facilitator: A sober, responsible, and trusted guide or facilitator is highly recommended, especially for those new to psychedelics or those exploring higher doses.
Avoid unsafe environments: Stay away from loud, unfamiliar, cluttered, dangerous, or public spaces. The external environment will influence your internal state during the experience.
Aesthetics matter: Create a visually pleasing space with flowers or calming artwork. Avoid imagery with strong or negative connotations, as these could affect the experience.
Access to essentials: Ensure easy access to water, healthy snacks like fruit, and a nearby toilet. Keeping hydrated and nourished supports physical comfort.
Eye shades and art supplies: Have eye shades available to reduce visual distractions. Art supplies can help with nonverbal expression, and a voice recorder or notebook will allow you to capture insights.
Music for the journey: Prepare a music playlist in advance, preferably classical or ambient music without lyrics. Lyrics can anchor the mind in rational or social thought, which may interfere with fully surrendering to the experience. Headphones are recommended for immersive sound.
No electronics: Avoid access to phones, computers, or the internet during the entire experience to prevent distractions and maintain focus on the inner journey.
Although a mental set does not have to perfect, practice wholesome habits to prepare your set. Plan your setting before your psychedelic experience to ensure a safe, controlled and supportive environment.

You can always take more later, but you can never take less.
— Timothy Leary
Substance & Dosage
Know the substance and dosage taken. Any doubt in regards to the ingested substance and dosage may occasion unpleasant feelings.
The dosage of a substance required to achieve a certain effect varies per person and per experience. If new to psychedelics, increase the dosage incrementally to become acquainted with personal sensitivity to a particular substance.
How to Prepare Substance & Dosage
Use a test kit before ingesting LSD.
Test half a standard dose of LSD or less before taking a full dose. One tab of LSD is usually, but not always, about 100µg. However, there is no way to know for sure how much LSD there is on a tab, it may be more or less than 100µg. Make sure you try half one dose before trying a full dose.
Use the internet to identity mushrooms before ingesting mushrooms. See r/ShroomID.
Take a small dose of mushrooms before taking a larger dose.
Dry mushrooms can be blended into a fine powder before ingestion to help standardize each dose which can be weighted with a weighting scale.
Substance & Dosage Considerations
Impact of substance and dosage: The substance, dosage, and method of ingestion can dramatically affect the intensity, duration, and depth of your psychedelic journey.
Start small, especially for beginners: If you're new to psychedelics, begin with a small dose to familiarize yourself with the effects. Larger doses can be overwhelming, uncontrollable, and potentially dangerous. It’s safer to explore smaller doses before attempting higher ones.
Psilocybin potency variability: The potency of psilocybin in mushrooms can vary significantly between individual mushrooms and batches. To ensure accurate dosing, it's recommended to blend the mushrooms into a fine powder and weigh the powder before ingestion.
Individual variations in response: Everyone’s brain and nervous system responds differently to psychedelics. A strong dose for one person may feel mild to another. To account for this, consider starting with a smaller dose and only increase if needed.
Prepare for nausea: If using mushrooms, nausea is a common side effect. Preparing ginger tea in advance can help ease nausea and make the experience more comfortable.
Dosage Safety
Learning to use psychedelics safely can be approached the way you would approach learning to swim safely. Don’t jump into the deep end right away.
If consciousness is an ocean, microdosing is like dipping one’s toes by the shore.
A small-medium dose is like swimming near the shore so that firm ground lies just below one’s feet. A medium-large dosage is akin to swimming in the ocean, which gives the option to submerge oneself underwater completely, while remaining near enough to the surface to return.
A larger dose is like scuba diving in the ocean. The larger the dose, the bigger the air tank and the deeper the dive. On large doses, the diver can occasionally come back to the surface, but not for long, because, the diver’s there to dive. Know how to swim before you dive deep into the ocean. Dose low before dosing big.
Dosage Descriptions
10µg - 25µg of LSD | 0.2g - 0.5g of dried mushrooms
A microdose, ideal for mild cognitive enhancement.
This is a microdose, which is usually used to enhance performance.
A microdose can be used to accompany everyday tasks such as work, socializing, studying and exercise.
You may notice increased openness, productivity, joy, and focus. Although practical, microdoses do not provide the opportunity for visionary experiences or to explore transpersonal states of consciousness.
25µg - 50µg of LSD | 0.5g - 1g of dried mushrooms
A small dose, ideal for anxious first timers or engagement in creative activities and problem solving.
A small dosage with light effects. Possibility of what feels like “high-definition” perception, increase vividness of colours and crispness of outlines and edges. Music may occasion more emotional reactions and stimulate the imagination more thoroughly. Mild euphoria may be experience, as well as mild discomfort. Some individuals report mild bodily and mental uneasiness. This may be annoying or unemployable, but it is nothing to worry about, and can be addressed by relaxing the mind through breathing exercises, or changing settings by going for a walk, exploring a forest, or hanging out.
75µg - 100µg of LSD | 1g - 1.5g of dried mushrooms
A small-medium dose, ideal for calm first timers, practical engagement in creative activities and applied problem solving. Also ideal for gentle and self-guided introspection and contemplation.
The inner world will begin to loosen up and expand. A medium dosage which may, at 100µg, occasion a full trip in sensitive individuals. Colours become more saturated and perception is more attuned to one’s inner world. Imagination, emotions and thoughts are more intense, powerful, and free flowing. More meaningful connections can be made through various stimuli including music and visual art. Heightened awareness to all stimuli. Connections between past, present and future experiences increase. Closed eye visuals more easily occasioned in sensitive individuals.
For experienced users, this and the previous dosage range may be ideal for taking an active part in any kind of creative endeavour or problem solving, such as painting, music, mathematics and writing.
100µg - 150µg of LSD | 2g - 3g of dried mushrooms
A medium dose, ideal for deliberate introspection and inner journeys.
Above 100µg of LSD and 2g of mushrooms, set and setting become increasingly important to personal and public comfort and safety.
The effects in this range are very similar to the previous range, however, more intensity is to be expected. More sensitive individuals may break through into a full psychedelic experience by focusing inwards.
150µg - 200µg of LSD | 3g - 4g of dried mushrooms
A medium-large dose, ideal for initial inner journeys. This dose involves beginning to explore the depths of the ocean, the shore is no longer in sight.
Explore with care. Unprepared individuals, or individuals unsuited for the effects of psychedelics may begin to experience profound confusion, which may lead to delusions, anxiety and paranoia.
At and after this dosage range, a facilitator is increasingly important.
This is the range limit for the autobiographical and aesthetic focused experience. Here, many people may break into full transcendent territory, meaning, their usual ego, or identity, is fully dissolved, thus entering transpersonal realms, at or without will. Previously forgotten autobiographical memories may resurface. Collective consciousness may freely flow in and out of awareness, giving rise to universal, spiritual and personal insights.
250µg of LSD | 4g - 5g of dried mushrooms
A large dose that will probably fully submerge any surrendering journeyer.
At this dosage range, a facilitator is crucial to ensure safety of the journeyer.
This is the first dose of LSD intentionally ingested by Albert Hoffman, the Swiss chemist responsible for the synthesis of LSD. Powerful transcendent, mystical experiences and ego-dissolution may occur.
300µg of LSD | 5g of dried mushrooms
An extra large dose that will fully submerge you into an non-ordinary state of consciousness.
At this dosage range and above, please do not proceed without a facilitator.
The definitive entering of transcendent realms of consciousness. Complete ego dissolution. Spiritual, mystical and religious symbolism and experiences may be encountered through complete submergence into the collective unconscious.
Simple tasks such as walking to the bathroom will become a struggle. Lying down and listening to music without lyrics is highly recommended. A safe, peaceful, and private setting is necessary.
400µg+ of LSD | 5g+ of dried mushrooms
This range will occasion very intense experiences. These experiences can traumatize if approached or handled poorly. Only the most committed and experienced should explore this range with a facilitator.
Psychedelic Effects
The following descriptions are limited and do not exhaust the possibilities of psychedelic experience.
Psychedelics amplify all conscious and unconscious material. Experientially, these effects may lead you to discover feelings and thoughts you did not know you had access to, allowing you to feel and think at a depth not normally inaccessible.
Hyper Association
Psychedelics connect normally separate regions of the brain. Experientially, this manifests as an increased psychological ability to connect ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions in ways that may lead to profound creative insights.
Dissolution of Boundaries
Psychedelics occasion psychological flexibility and dissolve psychological boundaries that maintain a sense of having a stable self identity, or ego. Experientially, this effect manifests as self-transcendence, cosmic unity and more.
Potential Physical Symptoms
Increased heart rate
Muscle relaxation
Shakes & tremors
Pupil dilation
Dry mouth
Potential Psychological Symptoms
Heightened awareness of physiological processes (e.g. heartbeat)
Heightened senses
Trouble focusing
Inability to determine what’s real
Visual illusions with eyes open and closed
Intensification of colours
Proprioceptive changes (e.g. body may feel minuscule or massive)
Synesthesia (e.g. seeing sounds or hearing colours)
Experience of merging with the environment / universe
Time and / or space may be experienced as infinite or nonexistent
Perception that the experience will never end
Highly symbolic experiences (e.g. involving religious or mythical signs, symbols, and scenes, perhaps beyond your own personal field of experience or knowledge)
Spiritual experience
Regression to a younger age
Reliving of the birth experience
Sensations related to any diseases and / or operations you’ve had
Experiences described as mystical or spiritual in nature
Loss of subjective self-identity, or ego-dissolution
Perception of losing your mind or going crazy (related to ego-dissolution)
Transpersonal experiences that transcend the limitations of space, time, and the range of your physical senses
Assuming the identification / experience of another person
Heightened transference (i.e. projecting the strong emotional attitudes of key figures from your past / present life, especially close family members, onto your facilitator / environment)
By ensuring the substance and dose ingested, you and your facilitator can trust that the substance ingested is safe, no matter what is experienced.

A simple mantra to silently repeat during the psychedelic experience is: “in and through”.
— William A. Richards
The facilitator is in service of the journeyer. A relationship rooted in trust with a facilitator is essential, because the facilitator will take care of you while highly vulnerable and suggestible.
A facilitator will be with you and take care of you while the effects of the psychedelic run their course. The facilitator is there to support you with whatever you may need. You may ask the facilitator to make tea, refill a water bottle, hold your hand, turn off music, turn on lights, talk with you, or whatever else you may want or need, within the mutually accepted boundaries you and the facilitator predetermined together.
A facilitator may be a sitter, guide, shaman, or therapist. The facilitator is there to take care of you if care is needed. It is crucial for the facilitator to be deeply and completely trusted by the journeyer as a person who will keep them safe while in a highly vulnerable and suggestible state. One of the most important factors in determining the nature of a psychedelic experience is the level of trust you have between yourself, the substance and the people around you during the experience.
Prepare with and communicate honestly with your facilitator. Preparing with your chosen facilitator by setting clear boundaries and sharing expectations allows you to be safe and comfortable.
Trust your chosen facilitator.
Psychedelics may occasion very unusual, powerful and unexpected experiences. Someone to call on, even by phone, is always a good idea regardless of how much experience you have taking psychedelics.
Remember, your safety is your top priority.
Learn more about facilitating a psychedelic experience for another.

Whatever scary entities or things you encounter during your psychedelic experience, are not there to torment, but to teach, face them and learn what you must.
— William A. Richards
Preparation Checklist
Verify your substance and dosage: Ensure you have the correct substance and dosage for your planned psychedelic experience.
Finalize your setting: Make sure your environment is prepared and safe for the journey.
Declutter: Clear your space of unnecessary items to create a calm, organized environment.
Clean: A clean space contributes to a clearer mind and a more peaceful experience.
Organize: Arrange everything you’ll need in an accessible and thoughtful way.
Prepare warm blankets and pillows: Comfort is key—ensure you have soft blankets and pillows ready.
Create a comfortable lounging area: Designate a spot where you can comfortably sit or lie down during the experience.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes: Dress in a way that allows you to feel free and unrestricted.
Prepare art and writing supplies: Have tools available to express thoughts or emotions creatively.
Turn phone to silent: Keep distractions to a minimum; turn your phone off unless it's used for music.
Ensure easy access to a bathroom: Make sure the bathroom is nearby and easily accessible.
Finalize your mindset: Mentally prepare for the journey ahead.
Take a shower or bath, or plunge in natural water: Cleanse yourself with a shower, bath, or natural water to feel refreshed.
Stretch or practice yoga, meditation, or breathwork: These practices help relax your body and mind before the experience.
Review or meditate on your intention: Reflect on your purpose or goal for the experience.
Pack necessities if leaving home: If you’re going elsewhere for your journey, ensure you have everything you need.
Eat a small healthy meal or snack, or remain fasted: Choose whether to have a light meal or fast, depending on what feels right for your body.
Hydrate and have plenty of water available: Staying hydrated is essential, so keep water nearby.
Prepare tissues and eyeshades: These can help during the experience, especially for emotional release or deep introspection.
Prepare your music and listening device: Set up your preferred music and make sure your device is ready.
Surrender with acceptance and curiosity: Let go of control and approach the journey with an open mind and curiosity.
You’ve set the stage and prepared for the journey ahead. Now, it’s time to trust yourself, relax, and let the experience unfold. Remember: you've prepared for this— breathe, stay curious, and enjoy the ride!

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them—that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
— Lao Tzu