Psychedelic Integration Coaching: An Overview

Psychedelic integration coaching is a relatively new form of coaching that has gained popularity in recent years among those who use psychedelic substances for personal healing, transformation and growth. Psychedelic integration coaching, or more simply, integration coaching, refers to the process of working with a qualified coach to integrate the content of a psychedelic journey into everyday life. Integration coaching can be a powerful adjunct to personal healing and spiritual growth.

The benefits of psychedelic use with integration coaching are numerous. By working with a coach, individuals receive support, guidance and accountability throughout their process and can gain a deeper understanding of their psychedelic experiences, learn to process challenging emotions and thoughts, and develop tools for integrating insights into their daily lives. Additionally, integration coaching can help reduce the risk of harm associated with the use of psychedelic substances, including the potential for challenging or difficult trips.

In the following sections, we will explore what integration coaching is, why integration is important when using psychedelics, the benefits of working with an integration coach, and how to find and vet a qualified integration coach. We will also discuss the differences between integration coaching and integration therapy, and help you determine whether you need integration work with a coach or a therapist.

What is Integration Coaching?

Integration coaching is a form of coaching and psychedelic harm-reduction that specifically addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with psychedelic experiences. The purpose of integration coaching is to help individuals integrate their experiences into their daily lives in a meaningful and productive way.

Integration coaching is different from other forms of therapy in that it is not intended to provide clinical treatment or address mental health disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder or depression. Rather, it focuses on providing support and guidance to individuals who have had transformative experiences with psychedelic substances and are seeking to integrate those experiences into their lives.

It is important to work with a qualified coach who has experience and training in working with psychedelic integration. A skilled integration coach can help individuals navigate the complex emotional and psychological landscape of psychedelic experiences, and provide tools for integrating insights and experiences into daily life.

Why Integration is Important

Experiences with psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, DMT, ayahuasca and other psychedelic substances can be intense and transformative, often leading to profound insights, personal growth, and spiritual emergence. However, they can also be challenging and overwhelming, leading to anxiety, confusion, and difficult emotions. Integration is the process of incorporating the lessons and insights gained from a psychedelic experience into one's daily life. Integration is both passive and active, meaning that integration can happen on its own, but also requires deliberate activity in order to bring about healing, growth and transformation.

Integration is important because it allows individuals to fully process and make sense of their psychedelic experiences, and to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Additionally, integration can help reduce the risk of harm associated with psychedelic experiences, such as difficult or challenging trips.

The Benefits of Working with an Integration Coach

Working with an integration coach can offer numerous benefits. A coach can provide support, guidance and accountability throughout the integration process, helping individuals make sense of their experiences and develop tools for integrating insights into their daily lives. Additionally, a coach can offer a safe and supportive space for exploring challenging emotions and thoughts that may arise during integration.

Working with an integration coach can offer a range of benefits, including:

  1. Developing greater self-awareness: Psychedelic experiences can often lead to profound insights and realizations about oneself and the world. However, without proper integration, these insights can quickly fade and become lost in the daily grind of life. An integration coach can help individuals explore these insights and integrate them into daily life, leading to greater self-awareness and a deeper sense of purpose.

  2. Learning coping strategies: Psychedelic experiences can be intense and overwhelming, and may even lead to challenging or "bad" trips. A skilled integration coach can provide tools and coping strategies to help individuals navigate these experiences, and prevent them from becoming traumatizing or harmful to mental health.

  3. Developing emotional intelligence: Psychedelic experiences can often bring up difficult emotions and psychological material. By working with a coach, individuals can develop emotional intelligence and gain greater awareness and control over their emotional responses.

  4. Improved relationships: Psychedelic experiences can also lead to a greater understanding of interpersonal relationships and dynamics. By exploring these insights with a coach, individuals can develop stronger, healthier relationships with those around them.

  5. Greater meaning and purpose: Psychedelic experiences can often bring up questions about the meaning and purpose of life. By working with a coach, individuals can explore these questions in a supportive and non-judgmental environment, and gain a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.

Overall, the benefits of working with an integration coach are numerous, and can help individuals navigate the often-challenging landscape of psychedelic experiences with greater ease and clarity. By gaining greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, and more, individuals can cultivate greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives through safe and effective use of psychedelics.

How to Find an Integration Coach

There are several ways to find a qualified integration coach. One option is to search online for coaches who specialize in psychedelic integration. It is important to select a coach with appropriate credentials and experience, such as a background in psychology, counseling, or coaching, and a specific focus on psychedelic and integration practices. The coach's personal experience with psychedelics is also important to know and consider when seeking a qualified integration coach to work with.

A great option is to seek referrals from trusted sources, such as friends or colleagues who have worked with a coach themselves. It can also be helpful to attend events or workshops focused on psychedelics, psychedelic therapy, psychedelic integration, and psychedelic research where you can meet coaches, therapists and other professionals in the field.

Tips on Finding an Integration Coach

Here are some more tips to help you find the right professional for you:

  1. Do your research. When looking for an integration coach, it's important to do your research to find one that has experience with psychedelic integration. You can start by asking your friends or community members who have had psychedelic experiences for recommendations. You can also look for therapists who specialize in integration therapy online. Searching for keywords such as "psychedelic integration therapist" or "psychedelic integration coach near me" can help you find an integration coach in your area. Once you have a list of potential professionals, it's a good idea to look at their website and social media profiles to get a sense of their experience and qualifications.

  2. Consider their qualifications: It's important to choose a coach who is trained as a coach and experienced with psychedelics as tools for healing and growth. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and experience to provide effective integration coaching and that they have a solid understanding of the unique challenges and benefits of integrating a psychedelic experience.

  3. Check their approach: Different integration coaches have different approaches to integration. Some may use conversation, while others may incorporate modalities such as mindfulness, transpersonal psychology, yoga or body-based practices. It's important to find a coach whose approach resonates with you and feels like a good fit. Some coaches may offer a free initial consultation to help you get a sense of their approach and whether it feels like a good fit.

  4. Trust your gut: When choosing an integration coach, it's important to trust your intuition about whether they feel like a good fit for you. This can involve paying attention to how you feel during your initial consultation, as well as any gut feelings you may have as you do your research. If a coach doesn't feel like a good fit, it's okay to keep looking until you find someone who feels right for you.

Integration coaching can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, but it's important to approach it with caution and care. By doing your research and finding the right coach for you, you can make the most of your psychedelic experience and integrate it into your life in a healthy and sustainable way.

We offer affordable integration services and coaching, learn more about our integration services here.

How to Vet an Integration Coach

It is important to vet an integration coach before beginning work with them. This can involve reviewing their credentials, asking for references or testimonials from previous clients, and assessing their level of experience and expertise in working with both psychedelic drugs and integration. Some key criteria to consider when vetting a coach include their level of training and education, their experience working with psychedelic medicines and integration, and their overall approach to coaching and client care. It can also be helpful to schedule an initial consultation or interview to get a sense of their coaching style and approach.

Here are further details on some steps to take when vetting a psychedelic integration coach:

  1. Check their credentials: Look for coaches who have completed recognized training programs in psychedelic integration or related fields. You can also check if they are a part of a professional association, such as the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS), a Psychedelic Society or the Multisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

  2. Review their experience: Look for coaches who have a strong track record of working with individuals who have had transformative experiences with psychedelic substances. Look for testimonials or reviews from previous clients to get a sense of their experience working with the coach.

  3. Clarify their approach: Make sure that the coach's approach to psychedelic integration aligns with your values and goals. Ask about their coaching process, and what kind of support and guidance they can provide throughout the integration process.

  4. Understand their boundaries: It is important to work with a coach who has clear boundaries around their role and scope of practice. A skilled coach should be able to recognize when a client may require additional support, and be willing to refer them to an appropriate healthcare provider.

  5. Ask about harm-reduction: A responsible psychedelic integration coach should prioritize harm reduction and ensure that their clients are engaging in safe and responsible use of psychedelic substances. Ask about their approach to harm reduction, and whether they offer harm reduction resources or guidance.

By taking these steps to vet a psychedelic integration coach, you can ensure that you are working with a qualified and experienced professional who can provide the support and guidance you need to integrate transformative experiences with psychedelic substances.

Integration Coaching vs. Integration Therapy

Integration coaching and psychedelic integration therapy are both valuable tools for integrating psychedelic experiences. It is important to understand the difference between integration coaching and psychedelic integration therapy. While both approaches focus on the process of integrating psychedelic experiences into daily life, they differ in several ways.

Integration coaching is typically focused on providing guidance and support to individuals who have had transformative experiences with psychedelic substances. The focus is on helping individuals understand and integrate their experiences with psychedelic medicines into their daily life, and to facilitate personal growth and transformation.

Psychedelic integration therapy, on the other hand, involves working with a licensed mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor, to address underlying mental health issues that may have been surfaced or exacerbated by psychedelic experiences. The focus of psychedelic therapies is on exploring and resolving these issues, with the goal of promoting long-term mental health and wellbeing. Integration therapy can be especially helpful after doing psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.

It is important to note that psychedelic integration coaches are not licensed clinicians and cannot provide therapy or diagnose and treat mental health disorders. However, they can work in conjunction with a therapist or other healthcare provider to provide additional support and guidance during the integration process.

Ultimately, the choice between integration coaching and integration therapy will depend on your individual needs and goals. If you are primarily seeking support and guidance in integrating psychedelic experiences into your life, a psychedelic integration coach may be a good fit. If you are struggling with mental health issues or seeking deeper exploration and resolution of underlying issues, working with a licensed mental health professional through psychedelic integration therapy may be more appropriate.

Psychedelic Integration Training

Psychedelic integration therapy training is a specialized form of education that equips mental health professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to support individuals who have undergone psychedelic experiences. This training focuses on helping clients integrate and process the insights, emotions, and experiences that may arise during and after a psychedelic journey. By providing a safe and supportive environment, therapists can help clients make sense of their experiences and incorporate the lessons learned into their daily lives, leading to personal growth and healing.

The training generally consists of various modules that cover essential topics related to integration, including the history of psychedelic use, the therapeutic potential of these substances, the neurobiology of psychedelics, preparation and safety guidelines for psychedelic sessions, and evidence-based therapeutic approaches. Trainees learn to develop personalized integration plans, identify potential challenges that may arise during the integration process, and employ suitable techniques to address them. Additionally, they explore the ethical considerations and legal aspects of working with psychedelics in a therapeutic context.

Upon completing integration therapy training, mental health professionals are better equipped to provide guidance, support, and resources to clients who have had psychedelic experiences. They can work in a variety of settings, such as integration centers, private practice, or as part of interdisciplinary treatment teams. As research continues to reveal the potential benefits of psychedelic substances for mental health and well-being, the demand for trained integration therapists is likely to grow, making this specialized training an essential component in the expanding field of psychedelic therapy.

How to Determine if You Need an Integration Coach or Integration Therapist

Determining whether you need a psychedelic integration coach or a psychedelic integration therapist depends on your specific needs and goals. If you are experiencing mental health challenges that require clinical treatment, or if you are seeking to explore deep-seated psychological issues, it may be appropriate to seek out a licensed therapist or healthcare provider who specializes in psychedelic integration therapy. If you are seeking support and guidance for integrating transformative experiences with psychedelic medicines into your daily life, and are not necessarily seeking clinical treatment, a psychedelic integration coach may be a better fit. A coach can provide support and guidance for navigating the complex emotional and psychological landscape of psychedelic experiences, and help you develop tools for integrating insights and experiences into your daily life.

Regardless, there are some factors to consider when making this decision.

Consider your primary goals for seeking support. If you are primarily seeking guidance and support in integrating transformative experiences into your life, a psychedelic integration coach may be a good fit. They can provide practical tools and strategies to help you navigate the integration process and facilitate personal growth and transformation.

If you are struggling with underlying mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma, or if you have experienced a challenging or traumatic psychedelic experience, working with a licensed mental health professional through psychedelic integration or therapy sessions may be more appropriate. A therapist can help you explore and resolve these issues, with the goal of promoting long-term mental health and wellbeing.

It is also important to consider the level of support and guidance you require. If you feel comfortable navigating the integration process on your own, or if you have a strong support network, you may not need the level of support provided by a coach or therapist. However, if you feel overwhelmed or unsure of how to integrate your experiences, working with a coach or therapist may provide valuable guidance and support.

Ultimately, the choice between a psychedelic integration coach and a psychedelic integration therapist will depend on your individual needs and goals. It is important to take the time to consider these factors and choose a provider who can provide the level of support and guidance you require.

Our Approach to Psychedelic Integration & Education

At How to Use Psychedelics, we are committed to providing comprehensive and holistic support for individuals who have had psychedelic experiences. Our mission is to promote healing and growth through safe and effective use of psychedelics and proper integration.

We believe that psychedelic experiences have the potential to facilitate profound healing, growth, transformation and spiritual emergence. However, we also recognize that these experiences can be challenging and potentially overwhelming. That's why we offer resources and services to assist individuals in integrating their experiences in a way that promotes lifelong healing and transformation.

Our team of skilled and experienced psychedelic integration coaches provides personalized support and guidance to individuals navigating the integration process. Our coaches offer practical tools and strategies for navigating difficult emotions, integrating insights, and creating positive change in daily life. We believe that everyone can benefit from the support of a friendly and knowledgeable integration coach, regardless of the nature of their psychedelic experiences.

Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration

In addition to our integration coaching services, we also offer psychedelic harm-reduction resources and psychedelic education courses. Our harm-reduction resources provide individuals with practical strategies for reducing the risks associated with psychedelic use, while our educational courses provide in-depth information on the safe and responsible use of microdosing psychedelics.

Our Commitment

We are committed to promoting safe, responsible, and transformative psychedelic experiences. Whether you are seeking assistance in integrating a challenging experience, looking for support in your spiritual emergence process, or simply have questions about psychedelics, we're here to help.


Integration coaching and integration therapy are valuable methods for individuals who have had transformative experiences with psychedelics, and are seeking support and guidance for integrating those experiences into their daily lives. Integration is important for fully processing and making sense of psychedelic experiences, and for developing greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Whether you choose to work with an integration coach or therapist, it is important to choose a provider who is knowledgeable, experienced, and trustworthy. By doing your research and vetting potential providers, you can ensure that you are receiving the support and guidance you need to promote long-term mental health and wellbeing.

When seeking out an integration coach, it is important to select a qualified and experienced professional, and to vet them thoroughly before beginning work. By working with a skilled coach, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences, and cultivate greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives.

Above all, it is important to remember that psychedelic integration is a deeply personal and individual process. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, with the right support and guidance, anyone can navigate the integration process and experience the transformative benefits of psychedelic healing.


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